Fostering green growth and circular Economy through policy support and local governance strategies for reducing the rejecting of waste in landfill and implementing new Waste Management Models for bio-waste and major events in the Atlantic Area
This project has been drafted in order to look for common cooperation solutions to the serious problem that exist in the Atlantic Area about the management of waste. A large percentage of current waste are rejected and sent to landfill. A current press release published by Eurostat(March 2016) shows that the European households are far to achieve the percentage of rejection to landfill which will be established on the new European Directive waste to energy.
For this reason, we must intensify the separate collection of bio-waste and implement more efficient systems of selection and collection of bio-waste in order to achieve the objectives of the new legislation about circular economy to 2030. That means: 65 % recycling of municipal waste; 75 % recycling of packaging waste; and a maximum of 10 % of waste in landfill This should be done with collaboration between public administration and citizens.
Therefore, we have to collaborate to look for common method to improve the separate collection of different wastes in mayor events.
Sector of Activity:
Other sector of activity:
Funding other:
Elaboration of new policy instrument and best governance so as to collect bio-waste, reduce the rejection of waste by the recycling plant and optimize the management of waste in order to obtain much lower disposal to landfill.
General polulation
Public administrations
Main activities:
1. Networking, sharing of experience and best practices, in order to boost
business cooperation in the area, and contributing the creation of better and more efficient transnational support networks and structures to inform and promote the recycling.
2. Drafting regional/local policies and strategies to support eco-innovative
news solutions, products, services and process in order to implement greener and more circular economy.
3. Promotion of Public-Private-Partnership in order to develop policy
instruments: public procurement of innovative technology and green procurement.
4. Implementation of the best practices to reduce bio-waste, improvement on
the collection of different bio-waste’s fraction, and best management of bio-waste in major events (cultural events, sportive, festival, etc.), as well as the study of best practices on energy recovery from the bio-waste treatment processes and their rejection wastes, in accordance with European hierarchy.
5. Action Pilot (“lab-smart-cities”) in local municipality with citizens
and households to implement the best practices acquired and the local governance tailored, as well as develop awareness-raising policies, strategies and plan in order to foster a positive Eco-innovation.
Main deliverables:
INTERREG EOI: 31/05/2016
Partners needed:
o Regional and local administration (especially with competences in waste,
o Public/Private Companies specialized on management of waste and recycling.
o Regional and local energy agency.
o Local community.
Other possible partners:
o Research & Innovation Centres or Institute and Universities.
o Transnational, regional and local development agencies and organisations.
o Regional development agency.
o Business networks, organisation, association and chambers of commerce
operating in the sector.
o Private and public investors.
o Civil society associations and NGOs
Geographical target area:
United Kingdom
Name of Organization:
Contact person:
Jorge Soria
Contact email: