Development and improving of removal methods and biological control or eradication of non-native species present in European island ecosystems, cause of biodiversity depletion, by means of the cooperation, common methodologies and the transfer of knowledge between the Atlantic Area regions united against this problem.
Sector of Activity:
Protection of habitats
This project has been drafted in order to look for common cooperation solutions to the serious problem of the invasive alien species (IAS) presented in the Atlantic Areas.
As a result of the development of the project, we will obtain important outputs, such as new models of traps for birds, reptiles and mammals; pilot actions about biological fight against the IAS; new mapping modes; new cooperation protocols between Atlantic Area regions; scientific publications; cooperation with other work groups and awareness to the population.
1. National, regional and local public authorities responsible for environmental biodiversity protection.
2. Transnational, regional and local development agencies and organizations.
3. Civil society associations promoting environmental protection, whose work is boosted by the project.
4. Local communities and economic sector actors related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources and ecosystem services, which could use the market niche and the opportunities generated with the project.
Main activities:
1. Offer the outputs to the UE Cooperation Agency so the new developed methods can be used in Europe Cooperation Projects with third world countries with the same kind of problems (South America and Africa).
2. Share ideas with the IAS UE Work Groups, in order to transfer the lessons learned and to move forward on the issue. Therefore, the work group could become into a consult and technical support organism to any association (public or private) who wanted to lead an IAS project.
3. Contribute to the deployment of the European legislation about prevention and management of the IAS introduction and propagation.
4. Establish institutional relations with Educational Entities, in order to aware the population in the introduction and handling of alien species (which can potentially become into IAS).
5. Establish relationships and agreement with business and entrepreneurship support organizations, with the purpose of release new market niches that could be exploited by the business sector.
6. Work with research centres and Universities, so they can transmit the new identified methods to the research community.
Main deliverables:
1. Cooperation and share of removal methods and biological control for development and improving their eradication and dissemination of risk analysis systems.
2. Training courses for technicians and scientific staff.
3. Citizens awareness about biodiversity loss due to IAS.
4. Identify innovative management IAS markets.
5. Promote that these common practices can be integrated in regional policies and actions contributing to improving the implementation.
Partners needed:
From these areas:
1.- FRANCE:Haute-Normandie, Basse-Normandie, Pays-de-la-Loire, Bretagne, Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine
2.- IRLAND: Border, Midland and Western, Southern and Eastern
3.- PORTUGAL: Norte, Algarve, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo, Açores, Madeira
4.- UK: Cumbria, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset, Dorset and Somerset, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Devon, West Wales and the Valleys, East Wales, South Western Scotland, Highlands and Islands, Northern Ireland
Geographical target area:
Atlantic Area
United Kingdom
Name of Organization:
Fundación Neotrópico
Calle Subida Cuesta Piedra, 4
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
Postal Code:
Contact person:
Jaime A. de Urioste
Contact position:
President and Research Coordinator
Contact email:
Contact phone:
(34) 629 123 745
Contact fax:
(34) 922 23 17 97