There is no data base that we know of about maritime accidents in Europ.
Fishing vessels accidents stats are scattered here and there even inside of one single country.
Commercial ships are more known but data are still very scattered and a man over board case does not always goes into the data base.
Leisure crafts stats are also very scattered.
Sectors of Activity: Other Sector of Activity: Maritime accidents in European Water
Funding other: Personal money so far and of course limited
Objective: Create a EUROPEAN data base for any type of maritime accidents, in order the maritime lawmakers can be informed, the mariners be involved into prevention and the trainers have enough data to motivate and train the mariners.
- The maritime lawmakers.
- The sea-farers (fishing, shipping, sailing, offshore) -All the maritime communities on land -The SAR coastguards & administrations
Main activities:
- Collect the data
- Analyse the data
- Publish the data
Main deliverables:
- Safety at Sea newslettet
- Website
- Yearly assessment report
Partners needed:
- Maritime administrations
- + Shipping companies + Maritime insurance companies + Training institutions + SAR institutions and Coats Guards, TMAS etc..
- And any person motivated by safety of life at sea
Timetable: Dec. 2017: lay out a program of reasearch Dec 2018: established a full data base
Geographical target area: Every european maritime country
Countries: Budget: 150 000 euros par year
Name of Organisation: CEPS
Country: France
Email: Website: