The project will be transnational.
The objective is the development of the maritime culture among the youth, specially through watersports and maritime education in schools and clubs.
It is also to make Atlantic Area become an excellence pole for the maritime culture of the youth.
Proposal of actions to be implemebnted by the partners:
The objective is the development of the maritime culture among the youth, specially through watersports and maritime education in schools and clubs.
It is also to make Atlantic Area become an excellence pole for the maritime culture of the youth.
Proposal of actions to be implemebnted by the partners:
- Baseline assessment of current situation regarding access of the young people to watersports
- Education and training modules: collaboration between public authorities, schools, and watersports clubs.
- Action plan – with pilot actions in schools (purchasing of equipments, training and remuneration of the instructors, implementation of the modules)
- Participation of school teams representing the partner cities and areas in the Atlantic Games that will be orgnized each year in a different country.
Sector of Activity:
Other sector of activity:
Maritime sport and culture
The objective is the development of the maritime culture among the youth, specially through watersports and maritime education in schools and clubs.
It is also to make Atlantic Area become an excellence pole for the maritime culture of the youth.
Young girls and boys between 10 and 15
Schools, Public authorities, watersport clubs
Main activities:
in close co-operation between the partners of the 5 countries:
- Assessment in the partner areas
- Creation of training modules in connection between schools, clubs and public authorities
- Further training of already qualified instructors
- Implementation of the sessions
- Annual then final evaluation
Main deliverables:
- Number of modules created
- Number of training sessions implemented
- Number of schools involved
- Number of clubs involved
- Number of pupils involved in the training sessions
- Number of FTE linked to the project
- Number of pupils participating in the Atlantic Games
Partners needed:
Public authorities,
Watersport clubs and federations
Geographical target area:
Atlantic area
5 countries (PT, SP, FR, UK, IR)
2 areas (regions , counties or cities) per country associating schools, clubs and public authorities
United Kingdom
3 Million euros
Name of Organization:
Comité International des Jeux Nautiques Atlantiques
40 rue Algesiras
Postal Code:
Contact person:
François Arbellot
Contact position:
Secrétaire Général
Contact email:
Contact phone: