Successful clusters demonstrate high levels of innovation resulting from their ability to generate and share knowledge, and to develop and attract skilled employees. A knowledge hub is a model for knowledge based industrial development involving a concentration of innovative industries interacting with advanced research institutions, business and finance. The project will bring together maritime clusters from the Atlantic region to build a common European maritime education, training and R&D platform.
Sector of Activity:
Other sector of activity:
Maritime Education and Training
- To enlarge the knowledge base need to support key areas of economic activity in maritime sector through a business-led programme of industrial PhDs,
- To develop and deliver a common framework of education (Levels 6 and 7), and training, designed for the maritime business cluster in partnership with industry in order to address an acute shortage of high-level technical skills which is affecting growth,
- To foster cooperation and knowledge sharing within the Atlantic cluster, with other international clusters and R&D centres in the US and Canada, and promote the maritime sector to a wider audience of stakeholders by leveraging the Atlantic regions rich maritime heritage.
The key beneficiaries are business in the maritime sector particularly SMEs, communities based in region, education and training providers, decision makers in local and regional government.
Main activities:
- Development and delivery of a common set of professional education and training programmes designed for the maritime and offshore industries in engineering, ship operations, ports and logistics.
- Support enlargement of maritime knowledge base with collaborative business-led PhD programmes and knowledge exchange between leading maritime Universities in the Atlantic region for example in the US and Canada
- A programme of week-long European Summer Schools designed with stakeholders to encourage students aged 16+ towards careers in the maritime sector.
Main deliverables:
- Specification, design and delivery of a common framework of education (Levels 6 and 7), and CPD training, designed for the maritime business in engineering, port and logistics management, and information technology into the regional labour market.
- 20 business led Professional PhD programmes focusing on key themes of the Atlantic Action Plan.
- Six Atlantic Maritime Knowledge Hub workshops designed to foster knowledge exchange between EU and non-EU Atlantic stakeholders 4. At least three European summer schools
- At least three European summer schools
Partners needed:
- Maritime Universities
- Maritime businesses and cluster organisations
- Port Authorities Maritime Training Colleges
Geographical target area:
Atlantic area
Name of Organization:
Liverpool John Moores University
Bryom Street
Postal Code:
L3 3AF
United Kingdom
Contact person:
Prof Ian Jenkinson
Contact position:
Contact department:
School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime
Contact email:
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