Esprit de VELOX : No discharges, No noise pollution, Innovation, Exploration and non invasive Research With 40 people aboard, Esprit de VELOX will be able to access all the world’s oceans. She will be completely autonomous, using the most up-to-date instrumentation for observation, measurement, sampling and analysis; both close inshore and to a depth of 10 000 feet.
A real floating scientific base, she represents a new holistic approach to maritime research; technical, intellectual and philosophical. Esprit de VELOX will provide the platform for individual research but more importantly will promote cross and trans-disciplinary projects in the same ecosystem. The aquisition of knowledge, scientific discovery and artistic expression are all the visible traces of a common adventure. A melting pot of intuition, individual and collective experience and chance, will result in new protocols and new approaches.
Following a Renaisance model, Esprit de VELOX will enable young talents to be nurtured by providing a floating residence dedicated to scientific research, innovation and artistic expression.
Sector of Activity:
Research & innovation
Other sector of activity:
Clean Technologies - Energy - Education
Funding other:
Cooperative and corporate private funding for the foundation and programmes Institutional research funding for research campaigns
Design and build EDV the first ship to not need fossil fuels, with little or no negative impact on the environment, capable of sailing all around the world, serving as a permanent R&D platform and figurehead for emerging technologies.
Have a scientific base afloat able to get close to the subjects of its research, respectful of the environment. Research will focus on the marine and maritime environment, energy and man’s place at the heart of eco-systems, and bigger sea animals which face the same dangers as man and are first to suffer from environmental impact.
Foster the collective working spirit, across disciplines and generations; scientists, creatives, artists, engineers and sailors working together to find a new world balance.
Make available to young scientists and artists at an age where there is so much potential, intuition, enthusiasm, but also fragility, the means necessary to build their projects, while sharing in a unique experience on board.
Bring into existence a floating base and home, in an atypical timeframe, with a dedicated mission, the life of which will be punctuated by planned encounters, and unplanned as only life onboard can supply.
Share and disseminate everything from the voyages and the on board teams to as wide a public as possible, contributing to change in energy, ecology and society.
ENERGY - TRANSPORT : Shared R&D platform, Pioneering new solutions
RESEARCH : Scientific research, ocean/earth system, Minimal environmental impact
RESIDENCE : Young Scientists and Artists, Development of Projects and potential
Main activities:
Minimal impact Earth system scientific research at sea:
First clean, autonomous, all navigation zones, research platform Experimental sciences, human sciences, arts… Reinventing the diving base at sea Most up-to-date means of exploration: marine and aerial autonomous and semi-autonomous drones… Development of cross and trans-disciplinary scientific breakthroughs and innovative protocols Reexploration and access to outer continental shelves Developing knowledge of large sea animals Global diffusion of results and the human experience
A plateform for Colaborative R&D to pioneer new solutions, Transport-Energy-Base at sea:
Meet the demanding needs of a shared technological R&D platform :
Marine Smart Grid,
mix RME, about 1MWh/24h cycle,
Design, safety, control command, hybrid and cyber navigation, communications… Esprit de VELOX is a collaborative industrial R&D programme Evolution of ship’s configuration after each campaign
Breathe new life into the unifying idea of a Residence:
Facilitate intuition and self-confidence Validation of innovative developments and discoveries in all fields.
Collective and individual projects, ideas and innovations Sciences, Engineering, ‘Environmental Diplomacy’, the Arts… a wide range promoting rapid and strong evolution
I8 months at sea working on personal innovation and collective projects Sharing of acquired good practice, by field and cross/trans-disciplinary Sharing and communication of findings and results
Main deliverables:
Industrial solutions -energy and transport Research publications Education programmes and cooperation Communication programmes
Partners needed:
Cooperative and corporate private funding Research and arts Cooperation Education
Geographical target area:
Swiss foundation
French operational naval base for the ship, in La Rochelle Campaigns all over the seas, from pole to pole
3 M€ / year
Name of Organization:
1.618 La Fondation, Programme Esprit de VELOX
146 bd Emile Delmas
La Rochelle-Pallice
Postal Code:
Contact person:
François Frey
Contact position:
Contact email: