European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

The EMFF is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. It is one of the five European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds which complement each other and seek to promote a growth and job based recovery in Europe. The fund - helps fishermen in the transition to sustainable fishing - supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies - finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts - makes it easier for applicants to access financing.
Aggregates mining (sand, gravel, etc.)
Agriculture on saline soils
Carbon capture and storage
Coastal protection
Coastal tourism
Cruise tourism
Deep-sea shipping
Environmental monitoring
Fish for animal feeding
Fish for human consumption
Inland waterway transport
Marine aquaculture
Marine biotechnology
Marine minerals mining
Maritime and coastal tourism
Ocean renewable energy
Offshore oil and gas
Offshore wind
Passenger ferry services
Prevent and protect against illegal movement of people and goods
Protection of habitats
Research & innovation
Securing fresh water supply (desalination)
Shipbuilding (excl. leisure boats) and ship repair
Short-sea shipping (incl. Ro-Ro)
Social inclusion
Traceability and security of goods supply chains
Transport (port connectivity and accessibility)
Water projects
Yachting and marinas
  • European communities dependent on fishing will benefit from new opportunities in fisheries, aquaculture and other areas of the maritime economy, which in turn will have positive spin-offs on local growth and employment.
  • European aquaculture will have more investment to promote green growth, innovation and competitiveness.
  • The European processing industry will benefit from stable supplies of wild and farmed produce.
  • Scientists and researchers will benefit from specific provisions for the public funding of data collection and scientific advice and from measures to foster innovation and transfer of knowledge between scientists and fishermen.
  • Companies engaged in coastal or offshore economic activities as well as enterprises providing services will also benefit from the fund.
  • European consumers will have access to healthy fisheries and farmed products with high nutritional value.