Find Funding Opportunities

  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • investments in equipment or on board aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants of greenhouses gases and increasing energy efficiency • new fishing gear contributing to energy efficiency • engine replacements and modernisations
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Environmental monitoring
    Ocean renewable energy
  • The purpose of the study is to provide the necessary information to enable the company (and Enterprise Ireland) to come to firm conclusions regarding the project's viability.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    The maximum grant funding available for a Technical Feasibility Study is 50% of eligible expenditures to a maximum grant of up to €35,000
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) accelerate business innovation by supporting knowledge exchange with academic institutions.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • diversification of income • improving health and safety • start-up support for young fishermen • limitation of the impact of fishing on the marine environment and adaptation of fishing to the protection of species
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Environmental monitoring
    Prevent and protect against illegal movement of people and goods
    Protection of habitats
  • Whilst many companies are seeking to strengthen their key offering in target markets through developing novel products and services, some may be relatively new to formal R&D processes. The R&D Fund - Small Projects provision is to support companies
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 150.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • This award is run jointly with Brazil's São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). It aims: • To pump-prime collaborations between scientists in the UK and the São Paulo State, Brazil • To promote the exchange of scientists and access to facilities and materials
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Typically up to £35k over 2-years will be provided for the UK partners
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • SMART: SCOTLAND provides grants to Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) based in Scotland. The grant helps you undertake technical feasibility studies and research and development (R&D) projects that have a commercial endpoint.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Feasibility studies must last between 6 and 18 months, and the maximum grant is £100,000 R&D projects must last between 6 and 36 months, and the maximum grant is £600,000
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Su finalidad es el apoyo de proyectos empresariales que impliquen la incorporación y adaptación de tecnologías novedosas a nivel sectorial, y que supongan una ventaja competitiva para la empresa.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Final Beneficiaries: Companies, regardless of size. Minimum fundable budget: €175,000. Amount of funding: up to 75% of eligible budget (funds CDTI) and can reach 85% if you are co-funded with FEDER funds.
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Support the delivery of events to facilitate discussion and improve awareness of knowledge exchange and commercialisation (KEC) of BBSRC-funded research.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    max £2,000 contribution to develop innovation seminars
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The Scottish Recycling Fund is operated by Zero Waste Scotland, in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, to develop key sorting, repair and reprocessing capacity for eligible waste materials, and additional remanufacturing capacity in Scotland.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Environmental monitoring
