The Interreg Atlantic Area will launch its Third Call for Projects on November 25, 2024, with an allocation of around €43 million across three thematic priorities and seven specific objectives. This call aims to select high-quality transnational projects that enhance regional resilience to common challenges.
Thematic Priorities & Specific Objectives:
Blue Innovation and Competitiveness (Smarter Europe)
1.1: Enhance research and innovation capacities.
1.2: Promote digitalization benefits for various stakeholders.
Blue and Green Environment (Greener Europe)
2.1: Improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
2.4: Support climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention.
2.6: Foster a circular and resource-efficient economy.
2.7: Protect nature, biodiversity, and reduce pollution.
Blue Sustainable Tourism and Culture (Social Europe)
4.6: Strengthen the role of culture and tourism in economic development and social inclusion.
Projects will be co-financed up to 75%, and partnerships should include 4 to 12 beneficiaries from at least four Member States in the cooperation area.
The eligible regions are the following:
Spain: Galicia; Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; La Rioja; Navarra; Andalucía; Islas Canarias.
France: Nouvelle Aquitaine; Pays-de-la-Loire; Bretagne; Normandie.
Ireland: Northern and Western; Southern; Eastern and Midland.
Portugal: Norte; Centro; Lisboa; Alentejo; Algarve; Região Autónoma dos Açores; Região Autónoma da Madeira.
The application deadline is February 14, 2025.
For more information: here.