CEF 2 Transport - Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Cohesion envelope (CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN)

The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure for waterborne transport by supporting low-emission solutions in the transition phase towards decarbonising maritime and inland waterway transport along the TEN-T network.

The following Actions will be supported:​

  • Actions supporting LNG bunkering for TEN-T maritime and inland ports as a transitional solution and with priority to actions that include the immediate or progressive uptake of bio-LNG.

Costs related to vessels will be eligible in the case of inland waterway and short sea shipping, if an initial number of vessels is needed to kick-start the use of the supported refuelling infrastructure. In such case, the eligible cost shall be limited to the difference of cost between a fossil-fuel vessel and the zero-emission vessel(s) proposed.

This is a multiple cut-off deadline call ending in September 2023.

Geographical coverage:
Sector of Activity: