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Welcome Addresses
- Enrique López Veiga, President of the Port of Vigo
- Abel Caballero Álvarez, Mayor of Vigo
- Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of the Autonomous Community of Galicia
Formal inauguration of the Conference
- Luis Marco Aguiriano Nalda, Secretary of State of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Union and Cooperation
- Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, EuropeanCommission (video message)
- Alicia Villauriz Iglesias, Secretary General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Ana María Oñoro Valenciano, Director General for Sustainable Coastal and Marine Environments, Ministry for Ecological Transition
- Vincent Bouvier, Secretary General for the Sea, operating under the authority of the FrenchPrime Minister [PDF]
- Jerry Lundy, Member of the Committee of the Regions [PDF]
- Christos Economou, Head of Unit, Sea-basin strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
Atlantic Project Award Ceremony
More information is available here.
Moderated by Alessia Clocchiatti (DG MARE)
- Stéphanie Bordenave-Juchereau, University of La Rochelle, “A blue Biotech Master for a Blue Career”
- Carlos Botana Lagarón, Head of Sustainability and Development Policies, Port of Vigo
- Lucía Fraga Lago, Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR, “MATES Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills project”
- Raquel Costa, Directorate General for Maritime Policy, DGMP, “The Blue School in Portugal”
Moderated by Christos Economou, Head of Unit (DG MARE)
- Christos Economou, “Blue Invest: what is it?” Head of Unit, Sea-basin strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
- 1st Pitching Session: Energy from the ocean
- Sébastien Mounier & Laurent Hequily Okahinawave, TED Talk “How OKAHINA WAVE, the first eco-friendly surf wave, opens a new Blue Ocean market”
- 2nd Pitching Session: Clean and digital shipping
- María Muñoz, Spain ERDF Managing Authority
Information Session on ERDF Post 2020, DG REGIO
Atlantic Area Programme
- Ismael Morán-García, Deputy Director, Interreg Atlantic Area
- Sandra Tavares da Silva, Head of Sustainability and Development Policies, Interreg Atlantic Area
- Daniel Norton, Project Leader, SEMRU (Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit), National University of Ireland, project Moses
- José Manuel San Emeterio, Project Leader, ERNACT (European Regions Network for the Applica-tion of Communications Technology), project Seafare
First Round of Five Parallel Workshop Sessions
Workshop 1A: Training, Youth Employment and New Technologies
Organiser: Instituto Social de la Marina (ISM)
Moderator: José María Pérez Toribio, Subdirector General, Acción Social Marítima, Instituto Social de la Marina [PDF ]
- José Carlos Macías Díaz, Director, Centro Nacional de Formación Marítima de la Isla Cristina, Instituto Social de la Marina
Workshop 2A: Entrepreneurship and Atlantic Youth: the way forward
Organiser: Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities
Moderator: Tamara Espiñeira Guirao, Secretary-General, Atlantic Cities, Designer of the "Atlantic Futures" programme
- Belén Mendoza, Referee for the “Erasmus Young Entrepreneurs” programme in the North of Spain on behalf of the Compostela Chamber of Commerce [PDF]
- Pablo Mariño, ex “Erasmus Young Entrepreneur” from Galicia to Brittany, Bluscus enterprise [PDF]
- Pablo Castro Álvarez, Coordinator of European Projects, Vida Láctea, SLU [PDF]
- Florent Orsoni,Director (AYCH project in Nantes and Saint Nazaire), Design Lab Sustainable City, Nantes Atlantique School of Design [PDF]
Workshop 3A: SpilLess - An innovative approach to help clean oil spills
Organiser: CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research
Moderator: Nuno Vargas, Digital Strategist, Designer, Journalist
- Ana Paula Mucha, Researcher, CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal [PDF]
- Ana Paula Lima, Researcher, Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems, INESC TEC, Portugal [PDF]
- Daniel Rey, Professor in Stratigraphy, University of Vigo [PDF]
Workshop 4A: Marine litter: From a global environmental challenge to a job creation driver
Organiser: CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar
Moderator: Marisa Fernández, Head, Control and Management of Marine Environment & Resources Department, Centro Tecnológico del Mar - Fundación CETMAR
- Patricia Pérez, Project Manager, Fundación CETMAR, project CleanAtlantic [PDF]
- Fernando Martín, Professor, E.T.S.I.T. - Vigo University, project LitterDrone [PDF]
- Carlos León, Founding Partner, SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATION, S.L. (SUSTAINN), project OceanWise [PDF]
- Carlos Botana Lagarón, Head, Sustainability and Development Policies, Port of Vigo, project ML Style [PDF]
- Gabriel Gómez, Managing Director of Marine Instruments [PDF]
Workshop 5A: Enhancing Blue Careers in Blue Ports promoting competitiveness and social innovation within the blue growth strategy: Best practice
Organiser: Authority of Port of Vigo
Moderator: Annina Cristina Bürgin Piñeiro, Managing Director, MarInnLeg (Center of Innovation in Maritime and Fisheries Legal Studies)
- Yolanda Molares, Port of Vigo Blue Growth Team [PDF]
- Javier Touza, President, Blue Fish Europe and Grupo Golden/ CEO of Chymar S.A.
- Stéphanie Bordenave-Juchereau, Associate Professor, University La Rochelle [PDF]
Second Round of Five Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1B: Attracting talent to the maritime technologies careers: the MATES strategy and Business to Sea experience
Organiser: CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar
Moderator: Lucía Fraga Lago, Head of the Training Department, CETMAR [PDF]
- Amaya Soto Rey, Project Officer, Centro Tecnológico del Mar, Fundación CETMAR [PDF]
- Ana Jesús López Díaz, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of A Coruña [PDF]
- Rui Azevedo, Secretary-General, Fórum Oceano
Workshop 2B: The European Atlas of the Seas and EMODnet: Two powerful tools for professionals in the maritime sector
Organiser: European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
Moderator: Jan-Bart Calewaert, Head, EMODnet Secretariat
- Jan-Bart Calewaert, Head, EMODnet Secretariat [PDF]
- Selene Álvarez Peña, Junior Science Officer, EMODnet Secretariat
- Silvia Torres, Head, Unit of Marine Technologies, CETMAR
Workshop 3B: Challenges European fisheries face in the context of the Atlantic: supporting the communities, supporting the future
Organiser: Consellería do Mar – Xunta de Galicia
Moderator: Ignacio Gandarias, Director General, Fisheries Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), Xunta de Galicia
- Rita Míguez de la Iglesia, President, National Association of Women in Fisheries Activities (ANMUPESCA)/ President, Fishermens´Guild [PDF]
- Gerard van Balsfoort, President, European Fisheries Alliance (EUFA)
- Ernesto Penas Lado, Senior Advisor, DG MARE
Workshop 4B: Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: Challenges and opportunities for its development on the Atlantic Area
Organiser: INTEGRATE project
Moderator: Pierre Eyrolles, Project Manager, project INTEGRATE, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes [PDF]
- Adam Hughes, Marine Ecologist and Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Aquaculture, Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS)
- Rui Pereira, Co-Founder of ALGAPlus/Independent Professional in Biotechnology
- Clive Dove, Project Manager, Aquaculture Technological Centre (CTAQUA)/Project Leader, project INTEGRATE
Workshop 5B: The Atlantic Area Programme: fostering transnational cooperation to promote a BLUE future
Organiser: Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
Moderator: Ismael Morán-García, Deputy Director, Interreg Atlantic Area
- Daniel Norton, Project Leader, SEMRU (Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit), National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, project Moses [PDF]
- José Manuel San Emeterio, Project Leader, ERNACT (European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology), project Seafare [PDF]
Plenary closing session
Closing words
- Christos Economou, Head of Unit, Sea-basin strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
- Julián Alonso García, 2018 Presidency of the Atlantic Strategy Group
- Conceição Santos, Head of Strategy Department of the Directorate General for Maritime Policy, Portugal