TXINBADIA is expected to: • Yield more teams and better-prepared services • Create a Trans-boundary Resources Centre • Develop new and lasting cooperative work dynamics, and integrate other actors in the territory • Lead to a more aware and respectful public and users (12 target groups) • Improve the quality and condition of the Bay's habitats and species • Positioning and integrate TXINBADIA into collaborative networks at the European level Publicize the efforts made and disseminate the obtained results obtained.
Stakeholder typology:
Public authority (local / regional)
Lead Partner:
Basque Government. Basque Country. Spain
Txinbadia+ is the third project (Txinbadia and Txinbadia 14-15 were the predecessors) focused on making compatible a public use of the wetlands of the basque cost and the protection of the natural ecosystem. First step was the creation of a collaborative network of institutions that worked together in creating programs to boost the area and raise awareness among the population. Now many activities for enjoying this leisure and touristic space have been developed: Citizen participation tools as a platform for recording nature observation data (web mapping), the visitors center organizes actions to give support to the agricultural sector: agro-ecology advice for local farmers and agriculture students, environmental values, geological heritage transmission for teachers, and nautical sports for visitors and tourists... This project has been in contact with other projects leaders in developing infrastructures in this area as observatory towers for bird watching, cycling routes, etc. to deal with seasonality while respected the nature and habitat. Some specific programs for artists or for disadvantaged targets have been launched in to create a more socially inclusive model of local development. The project broke the technical and politic isolation of a natural space located in two member states with different regulations and management practices but with a common goal: to create an inclusive and sustainable management model for a cross-border natural space.
Provide natural spaces, equipment and teams with proper tools and skills to reconcile public use with natural conservation and landscape values. Generate new dynamics of cooperative work between teams and improve their technical and professional knowledge and skills. Increase the awareness of local population and visitors for the conservation of the natural and landscape values of the territory.
Results and Transferability:
Results achieved to date: • The creation of a cross-border working network involving technicians and politicians. • The increase of the reception capacity of the spaces, improving public uses management and accessibility. • The development of communication tools. • The support for technical personnel of the spaces: exchanges, training, cross-border resource center, etc. A Pan-European cooperation network for similar areas.. Transferability of project results to other organisations/ subregions, regions, member states: The main transferable element is the implementation of cooperative work dynamics that overcome the administrative, technical and social differences existing in two different States. The method used, of trust and common work through commissions and the involvement of external local agents, is applicable to any similar area.
Project/Activity location and area of focus:

Results achieved to date:

• The creation of a cross-border working network involving technicians and politicians.
• The increase of the reception capacity of the spaces, improving public uses management and accessibility.
• The development of communication tools.
• The support for technical personnel of the spaces: exchanges, training, cross-border resource center, etc.

A Pan-European cooperation network for similar areas.. Transferability of project results to other organisations/ subregions, regions, member states: The main transferable element is the implementation of cooperative work dynamics that overcome the administrative, technical and social differences existing in two different States. The method used, of trust and common work through commissions and the involvement of external local agents, is applicable to any similar area.

AAP Priority covered:
Priority 2: Protect, secure and develop the potential of the Atlantic marine and coastal environment
Priority 3: Improve accessibility and connectivity
Total project/activity cost (€):
Funding instrument used:
EC / Interreg VA - Espagne-France-Andorre (POCTEFA)
Funding contribution (€):
2 434 029 (ERDF)
Private contribution (€):