We decide to knit for a cause: to protect our marine environment and celebrate the World Oceans Day; Innovative action to aware on marine environmental/ ocean protection and marine ecosystems; Promoting active participation in senior homes/ centers and people with mental illness; Providing warm garments to more than 3,000 vulnerable families with blankets and scarves and schools with educational materials.
Stakeholder typology:
NGO (local / regional / national)
Lead Partner:
Fundación Biodiversidad (Ministerio de Agricultura y pesca, Alimentación y medio Ambiente), Atlantic region, SPAIN
Other partner(s):
Tragsatec, Atlantic region, SPAIN
The IAIA Association of Solidarity Needlework (IAIA means granny in Spanish) is a non-profit organisation that offers Yarn Therapy in nursing homes and senior centres. Our activity is aimed at people who are willing to knit, crochet or do other needlework to make items that will later be used for charitable purposes. Our programme also aims to build a network of volunteers and fill them a sense of self-esteem and responsibility towards themselves, one another and community.
From June 1 to 15 - Yarnbombing Event - Celebration of World Oceans Day 2016. The Spanish Ministry of Environment building in Madrid and the Oceanografic building in Valentia were covered with knitted squares representing Seas,Oceans and giant endangered species.
After 15 June, the knitted Oceans were transformed into knitted blankets and scarves to be sent to people in need (refugees, homeless). The marine animals were sent to schools for educational purposes.
Results and Transferability:
More than 5,000 people were informed & aware on Oceans protection
•56,000 hours knitting & 10,800 granny squares
•7,800 wool balls were donated by families thanks to scholar campaigns
•300 blue blankets, 3,000 scarves and 1,000 endangered knitted animals
•More than 3,000 families in need were warmed eith blankets
Project/Activity location and area of focus:
All the coastal municipalities in Spain and Madrid
AAP Priority covered:
Priority 4: Create a socially inclusive and sustainable model of regional development
Total project/activity cost (€):
Funding instrument used:

Collado Villalba
Funding contribution (€):
Private contribution (€):