Atlantic regions have a huge potential in renewable energy which can be useful for the EU to meet the goals of its energy strategy, while contributing to the prosperity of their industries and populations, and meeting the objectives of economic, social and territorial cohesion.
The Atlantic Power Cluster project builds on the Marine Energy Working Group set up in the CPMR (Atlantic Arc Commission) and is intended to implement a transnational marine energy strategy so the partner regions can seek complementarities to tackle the crucial challenges for the development of marine energies in the Atlantic Area (AA).
Furthermore the project seeks to develop cooperation and joint approaches to facilitate the identification of new market niches in the renewable energy sector and the redefinition of educational and training programs as per the needs of the offshore and marine energy sector in the AA. The project is likewise is expected to contribute to a “greener” model of energy development, while enhancing the competitiveness and innovation capacities in the Atlantic regions.
SODERCAN, a non-profit public organization, as the Regional Development Agency of Cantabria, is the major stakeholder in the region of Cantabria dealing with the promotion of competitiveness and general development of the economy, with companies (especially SMEs) as the main target group of the activities involved. Cantabrian companies and Research groups are developing regional, national and international innovative projects in key sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energies, Information and Telecommunication technologies, Automotive or Aerospace.
In that sense, all our policies are aimed at the promotion of Research and Development amongst companies, increasing competitiveness through internationalization, the fostering of cooperation and encouragement of entrepreneurship pass through the executive role of SODERCAN.
SODERCAN has a deep knowledge of Cantabria’s industrial fabric, after more than 25 years of intense and direct link with regional companies. It has also a great experience in managing R&D and innovation strategies for SMEs, entrepreneurs and setting up business cooperation structures.
SODERCAN has been an evident example of the concept of the triple helix promoted by EU policies in order to implement regional strategies: it has represented the Regional Government in long term strategies for business promotion, together with relevant business stakeholders, the general business community and the Research activity of the University of Cantabria, contributing to the conception of Innovation activities applied to real life developments carried out by regional companies.
In this context, the organization has an active role in the Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation Strategy of Cantabria 2020 (iCan 2020). Under the umbrella of the smart specialization strategy, the regional government publishes the iCan 2020 strategy (RIS3).
Main objectives of the Atlantic Power Cluster project are:
- Building a transnational marine energy strategy in the Atlantic Area.
- Creating an adequate political and social environment for the marine energies.
- Enhancing the competitiveness and innovation capacities of the industrial community in the Atlantic regions.
- Regional Study on RME / Setting up of a Regional Working group
- Establishement of an effectibe framework for collaboration (Transnational agreement for cooperation) amongst Marine Renewable energies' clusters and relevant stakeholders (Regional Governments)
- New market opportunities will be identified thanks to the diagnosis carried out which aims to help the Atlantic regions to work together and take advantage of the new business opportunities in MRE. Some of the topics looked into are technology development, industrial capacity,supply chain development and port and logistic facilities.
Regional project managers and teams have liaised with the stakeholders and organizations involved in the different activities foreseen. All partners are disseminating in their areas of influence and regions info regarding the actions developed. Very high number (17) of partners from different backgrounds.
The project work plan is structured in such a way that each and every aspect of the marine energies is addressed, providing a clear and realistic picture of the current situation in the partner regions, the strategies ahead and the activities and actions to be undertaken.
INTERREG Atlantic Area