AORA-CSA – Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Coordination and Support Action


The Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation was signed in Galway, Ireland, on 24th of May 2013 by the European Union, Canada and the United States of America.  This marked the birth of Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA).  The Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action (AORA-CSA) was funded by the European Union to support the implementation of the Galway Statement and AORA. The hallmark features of this coordination action is that it be flexible, responsive, value-adding, efficient, innovative, inclusive and supportive.  The catalyzing actions of the AORA-CSA have had and continue to have significant impact to enable and strengthen the Atlantic Ocean Cooperation.

Stakeholder typology:
Public authority (national / international)
Lead Partner:
Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland.

Supporting the implementation of the Galway Statement on an Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance;   Improving the international cooperation framework of marine research programmes thus creating the basis for the development of future large-scale joint international marine research programmes.


The objectives of the AORA-CSA are to support the  implementation of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation by coordinating with and supporting the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) between the EU, Canada and the USA.  In that regard, to be responsive to the needs of the AORA as it evolves and to adapt the suite of supports provided by the AORA-CSA accordingly.  To improve the international cooperation framework of marine research programmes thus helping create the basis for the development of future large-scale joint international marine research programmes; and contributing to the EU Blue Growth Agenda where relevant.

Results and Transferability:

Results achieved to date:

  • On-going support for Trilateral Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance   Roadmap identifying Joint Research Priorities to Develop EU, CA & USA sustainable aquaculture   industry 
  • Principles of Ocean Literacy from N. America transferred to EU and more work planned on  Public Engagement 
  • 7 trans-Atlantic transects mapped in multibeam high resolution 
  • First steps toward a Vision document for trans-Atlantic Cooperation on Ocean Health & Stressors

Transferability of project results to other organisations/subregions, regions, member states:

  • In July 2017, the Belem Statement was on Atlantic Research & Innovation Cooperation was signed between Brazil, Europe and South Africa.  This follows on from the Galway Statement and as a result an All-Atlantic Community is being built based on a strong, socially inclusive and sustainable model of regional development.
  • Within Europe contributing towards strengthening of cross-sea basin science, research and innovation cooperation (Baltic, North, Black and Mediterranean Seas and Atlantic Ocean)
Project/Activity location and area of focus:

Europe, Canada and the United States of America.

AAP Priority covered:
Priority 1: Promote entrepreneurship and innovation
Priority 2: Protect, secure and develop the potential of the Atlantic marine and coastal environment
Priority 3: Improve accessibility and connectivity
Priority 4: Create a socially inclusive and sustainable model of regional development
Total project/activity cost (€):
Funding instrument used:
This Action has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652677.
AORA-CSA – Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Coordination and Support Action
Funding contribution (€):
Private contribution (€):