S&T Tribune 2020


Organised around the theme "Array integration and optimisation", this 3rd edition will focus on the results obtained within the framework of several collaborative R&D projects.

At the opening of the day, talks will be given by Laurent Michel, Executive Director for Climate and Energy, who will represent the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, as well as Karine Vernier, Director of the Energy and Circular Economy programme at the French Secretary General for Investment.
This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Andrea Copping, an internationally recognized scientist on the environmental impacts of ORE. She is Senior Program Manager for marine and coastal waters at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Seattle, USA.
Four round tables will be held throughout the day:

  • Seabed dynamics | How to reduce the costs necessary for the characterisation of the seabed and adapt structures to the specific nature of the soil?
  • Influence of biofouling | How to secure projects against induced changes and improve maintenance?
  • Environmental recommendations | Which scientific tools to take into account the challenges of a territory?
  • Array optimisation | Which methods and tools should be chosen to achieve the optimum cost/production?

The programme is available here: Programme.

To register now, simply fill out the online registration form.

The event will held at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in Champs-sur-Marne.

Camps-sur-Marne, France