Implementing the Atlantic Strategy – the role of the Atlantic Action Plan and the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan
Westminster Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
The Atlantic Strategy is about creating jobs and growth. The challenges and opportunities facing the Atlantic Ocean area can be grouped in five themes – implementing the ecosystem approach, reducing Europe’s carbon footprint, sustainable exploitation of the Atlantic seafloor’s natural resources, responding to threats and emergencies and socially inclusive growth. However, they do not form a disjoint set. Actions in one theme may also contribute to the overriding objective of creating sustainable jobs and growth in another theme. The Atlantic Action Plan, put in place to implement the Atlantic Strategy, aims to revitalise the marine and maritime economy in the Atlantic Ocean area. It shows how the EU's Atlantic Member States, their regions and the Commission can help create sustainable growth in coastal regions and drive forward the "blue economy" while preserving the environmental and ecological stability of the Atlantic Ocean. This event is aimed at UK Managing Authorities, in particular those managing EU funds. The objective of the workshop is to update Managing Authorities on progress of the Atlantic Strategy & Action Plan, explore how available funds can benefit projects relevant to the Action Plan, and explain the role of the support team. It would also be useful for the support team to be aware of the network of contacts of Managing Authorities to strengthen cooperation networks and exchange best practice.
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Agenda: [PDF en]