Launched in 2010 as a simple blog, Veille Tourisme Antilles has built recognition and loyalty amont its readership. We now aim at taking a step forward and making it a travel intelligence media company providing professionals, entrepreneurs, institutions with news, data and services to develop their activity. For now, we are lacking financial support to make it a reality.
Sector of Activity:
Coastal tourism
Cruise tourism
Research & innovation
Becoming the leading resource for travel professionals in the region.
- Being an decision-making tool for the industry
- Help them better understand what's going on (trends, insights...)
- Raise awareness about a much needed data-based and long-term strategy in tourism
- Encourager a sustainable tourism in those territories
- The travel industry: professionals, entrepreneurs, students, institutions, media
- Public opinion: by allowing them to have better access to information and data, citizens can better understand decisions which are taken.
Main activities:
- A media delivering news
- B2B services: training, data reports, events
- An incubation program for aspiring entrepreneurs in tourism
Main deliverables:
- A media delivering news
- B2B services: training, data reports, events
- An incubation program for aspiring entrepreneurs in tourism
Geographical target area:
Antilles and Guyane first then expanding to the whole Caribbean and maybe Indian Ocean.
Name of Organization:
Contact person:
Madly Schenin-King
Contact position:
Contact email: