Emerging energy technologies for a climate neutral Europe

Expected Outcome

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  1. Demonstration of knowledge and scientific proofs of the technological feasibility of concepts on high risk/high return (i.e. high technological and economic risks) technologies for transition to climate neutral economy by 2050 and beyond.
  2. Assessment of environmental, social, and economic benefits to contribute to R&I strategy, as well as the EU climate and energy targets.
  3. Contribution to establishing a solid long-term dependable innovation in Europe.


This topic focusses on the development of novel bottom-up technological solutions with breakthrough potential across all parts of the energy sector value chain, as well as all energy-related aspects in the transport sector.

Projects supported under this topic should consider at least one of the following areas:

  • Energy distribution and transmission.
  • Long-term energy storage.
  • Novel energy generation/conversion methods.

The following areas should not be covered, as they fall within either partnerships or other calls:

  • Renewable energy technologies covered under the call D3-1-49 on ‘Next generation of renewable technologies) and renewable hydrogen production.
  • Batteries and especially long-term electricity storage technologies, covered under D3-2-17 as well as flow batteries.
  • Material research.

The proposal should: i) present a robust research methodology including ambitious yet realistic conversion efficiency targets to be validated in the lab ii) establish the technological feasibility of the proposed concept iii) include a proper assessment of environmental, social, and economic benefits and iv) consider the applicability of the proposed technology in various sectors.

Proposals are expected to fulfil the following conditions:

In developing its concept, the proposal should address the following aspects:

  • Low environmental impact (e.g. on climate change and pollution) quantified based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework.
  • Barriers to the deployment of such technologies, including issues related to social acceptability or resistance to new energy technologies, related socioeconomic and livelihood issues globally.
Geographical coverage:
Sector of Activity:
Research & innovation