Finland, Iceland, Norway and Scotland supported by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. The core product developed in SmartFish is a connected tag composed of an electronic device printed on a thin and flexible label that can be attached to individual food packages.
Stakeholder typology:
Medium-sized business (headcount 10 to 250)
Lead Partner:
University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland
The SmartFish label will continuously log temperature, location and time, which provides immensely useful data for traceability and quality. Using this technology, seafood can be monitored from harvest until served at the dinner table. The system is interactive and will enable remedial action to be taken in the event of temperature increasing above the normal range. Using the service, food producers and distributors can monitor their packages during transport and verify if they are properly handled
The core product developed in Smart-Fish is an electronic label (an electronic device printed onto a thin flexible label) that will be put on individual food packages. Also developed, is a service for collecting and presenting data from the electronic labels. The product can be used for monitoring and tracking location and temperature of packages during transport, and the results will be presented both to the producers / distributors and to the end-consumers in a user-friendly way by use of smart phones.
Results and Transferability:
The technology, telecommunication system and cloud system for storing, processing and presenting data have been tested and trialed.
A functional prototype has been tested in collaboration with Finnish seafood distributor Hätälä Oy.
After securing the business-to-business solution, the project aims for end-consumers to be able to use the service to retrieve historical data verifying product quality and shelf life of products bought from retailers.
Project/Activity location and area of focus:
Northern Periphery and Arctic Area
AAP Priority covered:
Priority 1: Promote entrepreneurship and innovation
Total project/activity cost (€):
1 124 625,00
Funding instrument used:
National and/or Regional authorities - EC and regional funded (NPA PROGRAMME)

Funding contribution (€):
647 896,00
Private contribution (€):
476 729,00