The project has consolidated he existence of a transboundary ocean observing and prediction network that allows the generation of extremely valuable oceanographic and meteorological information for the management and exploitation of resources. Moreover specific products has been implemented throughout the project to strength productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of coastal activities. The project has also achieved a communication with stakeholders to implement specific products in a useful way.
Stakeholder typology:
Public authority (national / international)
Lead Partner:
MeteoGalicia – CMATI, Goverment of Galicia, Spain
Consolidation of the existence of a transboundary ocean observing and prediction network that allows the generation of extremely valuable oceanographic and meteorological information for the management and exploitation of resources. RaiaCo is a project that followed Raia and has been complemented with RaiaTec.
The main objective is to maintain and improve a transboundary ocean observing and prediction network called RAIA observatory. With these capabilities the project has been able to generate services and products that contribute to the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of coastal activities. These products have been developed in collaboration with different end users of these products.
Results and Transferability:
Results achieved to date:
Different services such as upwelling index, specific forecast to harbors and ports and specific products for fishing and aquaculture activities. Other important result is the permanence of Raia Observatory to maintain the measuring infrastructure and operational models that feeds the products and services produced under RaiaCo project.
- Transferability of project results to other organisations/subregions, regions, member states:
The know-how acquired in this project ca be transferred to other coastal observatories that need to be implemented in the Atlantic area to complement the oceanic structures. As an example, part of the consortium that has participated in RaiaCo will take part in the recently approved MyCoast project that aims to share experiences of different coastal observatories in the Atlantic area.
Project/Activity location and area of focus:
Region of Norte, Government of Galicia
AAP Priority covered:
Priority 2: Protect, secure and develop the potential of the Atlantic marine and coastal environment
Total project/activity cost (€):
4 070 268,26
Funding instrument used:
EC - INTERREG_ POCTEP Galicia-Norte de Portugal

Funding contribution (€):
4 052 000,00
Private contribution (€):
18 268,26