The project has contributed to develop the marine bio-resources sector at the Atlantic level. Gathering economic and innovation development agencies, local authorities and scientific organisations, it has capitalized on projects previously developed under this theme. Based on these projects, partners have identified the main obstacles, but also the drivers to the development of the Blue Biotech sector. The project has also prepared the future of the marine biotech sector, it gained in visibility among economic players and the general public through notably the creation of the video, but also the organization of public event (ex. 100 EU participants during the final conference in Cadiz).Finally, through the identification of transnational structuring projects, the project has represented an essential link to the 2014-2020 programming period. It also contributed to the operational implementation of the Action Plan recently adopted in the framework of the EU Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic region.
In a context of global crisis of the economy, the blue economy represents an essential stake for the future development of our maritime territories. The ocean is a source of innovation, growth and jobs. Marine bio-resources constitute a sector with high growth potential but still largely unexploited by businesses. These latter have to face many constraints and barriers (legal, environmental, economic and social).
The main objective of the Atlantic Blue Tech project was to enhance the blue biotechnologies niche of excellence, factor of growth for the Atlantic area, with a specific focus on innovation and small to medium-sized companies. The project has also contributed to the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan Priority 1 “Promote entrepreneurship and innovation”.
Atlantic Blue Tech partners not only worked on obstacles as it is often the case in EU projects, but went further with the identification of drivers to the development of blue biotech SMEs. Thanks to the creation of LAG and TAG, the partners successfully managed to make people work together at both regional and European levels, which is a guarantee of lasting effects of the project. The deliverables of the project are still available on the website for policy makers, SMEs or any interested actor intending to develop the marine biotech sector. As the lead partner, Technopôle Brest-Iroise (TBI) also continues to speak about the project in different meetings it is involved in, to provide its experience to other regions and member States. The best practice demonstrated within ABT are the local & transnational action groups. The project partners really wanted to involve their local communities. They thus set up 5 LAG which assessed the project results, and gave their views on the orientation of ABT. 2 TAG meetings were organized to favor collaborations at the Atlantic level and to support the emergence of new project ideas.
The project has been implemented in the framework of the Interreg IVB Atlantic area programme gathering 8 partners from 5 countries. It was divided into 3 steps: Study of the existing local, national and EU projects related to marine bioresources; Identification of drivers and barriers to the development of blue biotech SME; Imagine the future of the marine biotech market, and promote the sector.