BATTERIE was an EU Atlantic Area project established in January 2012. Its purpose was to improve the cooperation and links between various transport services within the Atlantic Area region and to promote the application of smart technologies and usage of alternative fuels. The project was created as a response to the EU Atlantic Area priorities. As part of priority 3.1; “Improve accessibility and internal links – Promote interoperability and continuity of existing transport networks, and sea/road/rail/air intermodality;” it focused on transportation and aimed to improve the coordination of and interconnectivity between transport services supplied by various operators. It also recognised and gave due regard to national and EU transport, energy and related economic policies, with particular reference to the objectives set out in the Lisbon and Gothenburg Agendas. The main objective of BATTERIE was to establish the impact of applied smart technologies (e.g. E-Journey Planning) and alternative fuels and to design scenarios and models of changes to policy, behaviour and transnational strategies in order to help optimise transnational trips for passengers. Other activities included screening and modelling the availability, future development, costs and environmental impact of using smart technologies and alternative fuels and establishing pilot networks and demonstration of best practice in this sector.
- Batterie brings some resolution to the issues National, Regional and local government are having to address
- For example the EU 202020 Climate and Energy package has resolved that the EU will source 20% of its transport fuels from renewables by 2020
- National and regional and local targets will all be different
- Batterie is designed to help administrations understand how alternative fuels are going to develop and what contribution they will make
- It is designed to help people make the shift from fossil fuel to alternative fuel transport
- It is needed to help both administrations and people together to make the changes necessary to meet targets and in their own lives
The project main objective was to help policy makers to help the public to make the shift from fossil fuel based transport to zero carbon based transport. In addition to that we wanted to remove the issue of range anxiety which the public site as the main reason for not buying electric or zero carbon transport. Finally we wanted to inform and educate the public about zero carbon transport.
- BATTERIE Results: Web Based Journey Planning Tool:- The first in the world to be made available to be public, to allow them to plan a journey in an electric vehicle. Seen at Reports:- Nine reports have been published during the project. Briefing Notes:- Not everyone has time to read a detailed report. Conferences / Workshops:- There have been seven conferences and workshops.
- The EGOMAP is available and functioning in each of the partner regions which participated within Atlantic Area. It can be made ‘live’ and functional in any other part of the EU, quickly and at little cost with just the addition of some modelling data. The Reports and the Briefing Notes are available in all project partner languages and are available on the website to download.
There were seven Atlantic Area regions involved in the project: Scotland (Shetlands), England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, France, Portugal and Spain. There were eleven partners in the project and the partnership met regularly every three months for three years to develop the reports, the briefing notes, the conferences, workshops and to develop the egomap.. Further information on
INTERREG Atlantic Area