XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products | XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products


CIIMAR is co-organizing the XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products and the XV European Congress on Marine Natural Products joint meeting, to be held in Peniche, Portugal, from September 1-5, 2019.
Young scientists in the Marine Natural Products (MNP) field from all over the world are especially encouraged to participate.
Senior experts, rising MNP stars and early scientists will present their results in a combination of plenary lectures, invited talks, contributed oral communications, and poster sessions.
Joint XVI MaNaPro & XI ECMNP meeting includes the following topics:

  • Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Marine Natural Products
  • Biosynthesis of Marine Natural Products
  • Marine Natural Products Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Marine Chemical Ecology and Ecosystem Functioning
  • Marine Natural Products Chemical Biology and Biotechnology
  • Drug Discovery and Development
Peniche, Portugal