The overarching theme of this conference, Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals, is intended to promote discussions and interactions on how to integrate basic and applied ecological research, and their trans-disciplinary impacts, for the effective implemenation of the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Researchers and various stakeholders will have the opportunity to share outputs and innovative solutions in debates, round-tables and symposia, among others.
The programme structure includes Plenary Lectures, Contributed Sessions, Symposia and Workshops for several topics, to the following topics:
- Environmental risks and health;
- Science communication;
- Freshwater ecology;
- Eco-solutions and bio-economy;
- Urban sustainability;
- Sustainable agro-ecosystems;
- Climate and global changes;
- Marine ecology;
- Biodiversity and ecosystems;
- Land degradation and ecosystem restoration;
- Ecological networks;
- Theoretical and evolutionary ecology.
The Call for Abstracts is open; more information can be found here.
Lisbon, Portugal