MARTECH Workshop


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the MARTECH workshop has been postponed to June 16th -18th 2021.  New information will be available on the dedicated website soon.

Technological development deeply constrains our perception of marine environments and ecosystems. The main objective of the MARTECH Workshop is to share information and points of view on cutting-edge research in several fields of MARine TECHnology. MarTech is an internationally renewed venue for dissemination of marine technology research since 2008.

The topics to be covered within the workshop are as follows:

  • Operational Oceanography
  • Instrumentation, Metrology, Signal processing
  • Seafloor observatories and sensor networks
  • Observatories, remote sensing
  • Marine Robotics: ROVs, AUVs, ASVs, Gliders
  • Underwater imaging and communication
  • Seafloor and Water Column characterization
  • Technology for Marine Biology and Aquaculture
  • Renewable energies
  • Coastal, regional, and offshore research vessels and platforms
  • Marine Geophysics technology and solutions
  • Marine Data Interoperability and data flow
  • Technologies for a sustainable dredging
  • 2020 as a point between the past and the future

More information on the workshop will become available soon on the dedicated website ( and the organising committee is currently accepting short abstracts till January 31st, 2020.  For more information, please check the workshop's website.

Vigo, Spain